Archive for the ‘All Leather’ Category

©Robin Laananen

Sleek and stunning in its grating splendor, All Leather drags decrepit carnal desire through pure, delicious excrement. It’s what Patrick Bateman would listen to if he could fuck Freddie Mercury while staring at himself in the mirror. Furious and compelling, masturbatory in its incessant stridence, All Leather is irreverently erotic and erotically irreverent. Stripped of dignity and shackled by judgment, it’ll make you want to crawl out of your skin into the raw, foul animal hide that is All Leather. Appease your gluttony, revel in sin and cum again. -Alana Causey

2009_Hung Like A Horse E.P.

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2009_Hung Like A Donut (Remixes)(Upcoming)