Archive for the ‘Body Pleasure’ Category

Thanks Erik that you have found time to give answers to these questions,For the first question will be – do you know the netherlands
No problem. Yeah i heard about the netherlands. I think you have a liberal view regarding drugs, isn´t it so? Anyway I would love to come to the netherlands for a gig.
Greetings Erik could you please shortly introduce our readers to your music project Body Pleasure?
I started the project the summer of 2007. I felt that i should be making EBM with my own little twist.
Please fill also a biographical resume about how,when and where… Body Pleasure was founded in, give us a more background information?
Body Pleasure were formed in Gothenburg the summer of 2007. I felt that I should have my own project, where I have the power and mandate to decide everything. The meaning and idea with the project is to make EBM with inspiration from punk, hardcore, horror and of course classic 80s electronic.
What and who are some of your influences in EBM
Well, to mention some of the bands which inspires me: Nitzer Ebb, Front Line Assembly, DAF, Die Krupps, Invincible Spirit and Absolute Body Control.
Tell one secret about Body Pleasure that you have never told to anyone?
I have a strange desire for stuff thats wicked.For example hanging in the closet making music
By the way do you like my questions? tell me what you think about it! 😉
They work for me, carry on with the questions!
You know there are lot of fans of ebm-industrial in the netherlands,We have organized a contest. and we have received hundreds of questions from your fans and if it is possible you will choose the most interesting one for you What is the main idea, the message you want to leave to people who listens to you? What is your motto?
Well, I´m not the one with the solution to things, but if you listen to some of my lyrics i give the listener something important to think about, or not?
When you start to record a new album, is all the writing done or does it continue in the studio?
Well, I always start the process at home, then when I think I have the material that I nead for a song I continue the work in the studio together with Johan (my friend from the band Batch ID).
where did the concept come from? and whats planned now that your album is finished? or anything else you’re working on? Tell me why this title “Dictator”? Tell us a few words about the concept of this Single?
Well, I was really frustrated and angry at that time. The subject for my anger where Robert Mugabe, the Dictator in Zimbabwe. I thought that I should pick up a classic punktheme and write about it. I wrote the two songs which appears on the single special for my first gig ever which were at the festival Familientreffen IV in Sandersleben/Germany.
Do you have a record label? so tell me about te labels?
I release my stuff through Johan and my small label called ClosetFreak Production. At the moment we release Batch ID and Body Pleasure stuff but our thought is to make it grow in the future and maybe include other new talented electrobands.
Our usual question – what is EBM for you?
At least 100% energy and a extreme, punky attitude towards things.
What was your best live experience so far?
That must be my only and first gig at Familientreffen IV in Sandersleben/Germany.
What are your views on the current state of this EBM scene in Sweden in terms of creativity and audiences? And the scene in other countries?
Well, the scene is not that big. In spite of that we have alot of EBM bands like: Spetsnaz, Dupont, Container 90, Spark!, Kropp and of course Body Pleasure. We also have some people like the ones behind Klubb bodytåget in Stockholm who supports the scene and the bands. They will hold an EBM Oldschool Festival 7/11 in Stockholm were I will play and three other Swedish bands such as Spark!, Kropp and Ekobrottsmyndigheten.
What do you do to chill out?
I never chill out!
How do you see the future of download / Copyright in area of goth-industrial music ? What are the best ways to develop it in your mind ?
I´m not the one who says, hey that guy is stealing my music. I put out a lot of songs from my catalogues for free at I dont think that legislation is the right way to go. I think that this era is very interesting, because its the major labels who is losing and hunting people that dowload music. In my opinion all the small and alternative labels will grow in the future. I think thats great!
what do you do in your spare time?
I dont have much sparetime. Im involved in my other band with Johan called Batch ID.
Please let us know about your upcoming plans, some new releases you like to confirm here
Well, my new EP called Revolt will be released in Stockholm at my gig there at Klubb bodytåget 7/11. At my myspace page you can later on order the EP via paypal.
How and why did you begin to make music? Why various electronic styles? tell us about your unique style of music and who are your major influences? Where do you typically get your inspiration for numbers?
I have always been involved with music through my life, but the first project were actually launched in 2004. I don´t know if I have a unique style, that´s up for the fans and the listeners to decide.
Awesome! Tell me, are there any new bands out there lately that you’re into, any tips for the future? Are you working on any current or future projects?What is the future for your music?
Well, actually a band from Stockholm lately wanted to be my friend on myspace. They are called No sleep by the machine. The song called Believe is great. Go and check them out! I think they are on to something very interesting.
It has been a pleasure to interview you on your musical activity,Well,any last words to your ebm-industrial fans?
Take care and remember to support your local EBM scene!
and what is next on the Sweden.agenda?
My gig in Stockholm as i told you about! It will be great.
thanks for your time! great work on the albums and good luck with everything.any closing remarks you’d like to say to the
Keep up the great work!
How can fans-to-be gain access to your music? Do you have a website with sample songs or a demo CD?
Well, check out my myspace page. That´s a good start.
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Body Pleasures
Body Pleasure
Old School EBM

01 Entity
02 The Power Of The Law
03 Slap
