Archive for the ‘casiotone for the painfully alone. etiquette’ Category

Track List:
1. “Etiquette I.D.” – 0:05
2. “New Year’s Kiss” – 2:02
3. “Young Shields” – 3:04
4. “I Love Creedence” – 2:33
5. “Nashville Parthenon” – 2:55
6. “Scattered Pearls” – 2:42
7. “Happy Mother’s Day” – 0:47
8. “Holly Hobby (Version)” – 2:43
9. “Cold White Christmas” – 4:56
10. “Bobby Malone Moves Home” – 3:14
11. “Don’t They Have Payphones Wherever You Were Last Night?” – 2:21
12. “Love Connection” (Parenthetical Girls cover) – 3:14

Download Casiotone for the Painfully Alone – Etiquette: