Archive for the ‘Chris Connelly’ Category

Chris Connelly

Posted: September 10, 2009 in Chris Connelly


This discography was assembled and is maintained by Mark Weddle. It was last updated February 19, 2004.

This discography relates only to material to which Chris Connelly has a direct connection; it is in no way considered to be a complete discography of artists mentioned.

Many of the items listed in this discography are available for sale at various online retailers. Some items are limited edition releases made available only through this Web site. Please do not contact us with questions about how to purchase items that are marked “out of print.”

Some additional information is needed to fill gaps in the discography. Please refer to the Discography Feedback forum.

Thanks to those who have provided information to the discography, including: Jamie Cufr, David Forsythe, Deadshot, Simon Dell, HAC1096, Brandt Gassman, Jason Gropp, Michael Hall, Valerie J. Ohm, Antti Silvast, Valiant, Joseph Waters, Richard E. Worrier, Todd Zachritz, Kurt Zito, Kathryn, Arcane, Mistress Nicole von Frankenstein, and others.