Archive for the ‘Look At Me’ Category

Первый нах! Мой подарок всем ценителям творчества Mirrors, Два Свежайших сингла с намечающегося нового альбома ярчайшего, на мой взгляд, инди-поп бэнда. Что касается сингла Into The Heart, он появился в продаже 1 ноября! Оцените размах, всего каких-то пару дней назад))

Into Your Heart

  • Original Release Date: 1 Nov 2009
  • Format – Music: MP3
  • Mirrors might well be accused of narcissism– probably a fair swipe considering their dapper attire and the title of their first single (“Look At Me”). With “Into the Heart”, the Brighton band no longer appears to be in love with their own reflection, but rather fixated on less superficial matters of the self. “Heart” turns the band’s gaze inward (“In my head, I’ll be damned/ In my head, I was walking around”), and, in doing so, provides a more fitting accompaniment for their cerebral, synth-driven suite. Belying its emotive title, “Heart” is controlled– beats exactingly measured, the symphonic swells never spilling over. Vulnerable, it’s not. But even if Mirrors are a bit too elegantly self-absorbed to connect, “Heart” at least stands as proof that their beauty needn’t be skin-deep.

    Stream:> Mirrors: “Into the Heart”

    [from “Into the Heart” single; out now on Moshi Moshi]

    Free Download:


    Look At Me

    by Mirrors
    From the Album Look At Me

    Price: £0.69
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    • Original Release Date: 10 Aug 2009
    • Format – Music: MP3

    Despite their claims to the contrary, this new four-piece from Brighton, England isn’t exactly starting with a blank canvas. But in their defense, when was the last time you heard a band that featured three synthesizers and electronic drums? Mirrors take their cues from not-too-distant but just-distant-enough historical precedent– one suspects a well-worn copy of Speak & Spell can be found lying about their practice space. But if Depeche Mode ever had this many synths in their arsenal, they certainly did not manage, at least this early in their career, to sound as strikingly lush and dense. The beat certainly does lag, but that complaint is rendered moot once the thick, ambient plume swallows the song whole. Mirrors may not venture into altogether unexpected territory, but to their credit, “Look At Me” doesn’t so much reflect as refract.
