Archive for the ‘Minutemen’ Category


Posted: June 21, 2009 in Minutemen


Minutemen, Kaliforniyalı punk rock üçlüsü. Gitar-vokal D Boon ve çocukluk arkadaşı bas-vokal Mike Watt, liseden tanıdıkları davulcu George Hurley ile beraber grubu kurdular. Funk etkili punk rock yaparak adlarını duyuran grup bir çok gruba ilham kaynağı olmuştur. 80’lerin başında aktif olan Minutemen müzik kariyerlerinde zaten hiçbir zaman aramamış oldukları ticari başarıyı yakalayamamıştır. Grup 1985’de vokalist Boon bir trafik kazasında Arizona’da hayatını kaybedince dağılmıştır. 13 yaşından beri Boon’u tanıyan Watt Boon’un ölümünden sonra derin bir depresyona girmiştir ve Sonic Youth tarafından müziğe devam etmeye ikna edilmiştir. O gün bugündür Watt’ın içinde bulunduğu her proje Boon’a ithaf edilmiştir.


* The Punch Line (1981)
* What Makes a Man Start Fires? (1983)
* The Politics of Time (1984)
* Double Nickels on the Dime (1984)
* 3-Way Tie (For Last) (1985)


What Makes A Man Start Fires?


1. Bob Dylan Wrote Propaganda Songs
2. One Chapter In The Book
3. Fake Contest
4. Beacon Sighted Through Fog
5. Mutiny In Jonestown
6. East Wind / Faith
7. Pure Joy
8. ’99
9. Anchor, The
10. Sell Or Be Sold
11. Only Minority, The
12. Split Red
13. Colors
14. Plight
15. Tin Roof, The
16. Life As A Rehearsal
17. This Road
18. Polarity

The Minutemen: Double Nickels On The Dime (1984)

1 D.’s Car Jam/Anxious Mo-Fo (1:19)
2 Theatre Is the Life of You (1:30)
3 Viet Nam (1:27)
4 Cohesion (1:55)
5 It’s Expected I’m Gone (2:04)
6 #1 Hit Song (1:47)
7 Two Beads at the End (1:52)
8 Do You Want New Wave or Do You Want the Truth? (1:49)
9 Don’t Look Now (1:46)
10 Shit from an Old Notebook (1:35)
11 Nature Without Man (1:45)
12 One Reporters Opinion (1:50)
13 Political Song for Michael Jackson to Sing (1:33)
14 Maybe Partying Will Help (1:56)
15 Toadies (1:38)
16 Retreat (2:01)
17 Big Foist (1:29)
18 God Bows to Math (1:15)
19 Corona (2:24)
20 Glory of Man (2:55)
21 Take 5, D. (1:40)
22 My Heart and the Real World (1:05)
23 History Lesson, Pt. 2 (2:10)
24 You Need the Glory (2:01)
25 Roar of the Masses Could Be Farts (1:20)
26 West Germany (1:48)
27 Politics of Time (1:10)
28 Themselves (1:17)
29 Please Don’t Be Gentle With Me (:46)
30 Nothing Indeed (1:21)
31 No Exchange (1:50)
32 There Ain’t Shit on T.V. Tonight (1:34)
33 This Ain’t No Picnic (1:56)
34 Spillage (1:51)
35 Untitled Song for Latin America (2:03)
36 Jesus and Tequila (2:52)
37 June 16th (1:48)
38 Storm in My House (1:57)
39 Martin’s Story (:51)
40 Doctor Wu (1:44)
41 World According to Nouns (2:05)
42 Love Dance (2:00)
43 Three Car Jam (:36)

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