Archive for the ‘Spinerette’ Category


Posted: June 21, 2009 in Spinerette

Spinnerette is the sound of a sweaty black leather glove holding a lollipop’s stick, shoving it into crushed glass before offering you the first lick. If that made any sense, it might be Spinnerette. There is sweetness and there is menace. You will have the desire in spite of the obvious danger. Have you been hurt before?

This is no awkward first fumble in the rumble seat: Spinnerette comes with experience. Brody Dalle has been places nice girls fear to tread without sacrificing virtue or integrity. Her last long-term relationship, The Distillers, ended messily, the way relationships tend to do. In the following months, there was a lot for one heart to bear: the pain of illness striking those near and dear contrasted with the joys of matrimony and motherhood. With such extremes of life pulling at her, it’s no great mystery that the resultant writing is possessed of equally dynamic range, with nothing left out. As Dalle describes it, “Spinnerette is what happens when I let the tap flow.”

Ghetto Love EP –

1. Ghetto Love
2. Valium Knights
3. Distorting A Code
4 . Bury My Heart

Spinnerette – Ghetto Love EP –